• Joris Simaitis

  • Theme:Sustainability and Low Carbon Transition
  • Project:Future environmental impacts of transport and energy technologies: Prospective life cycle assessment using climate mitigation pathways from integrated assessment models
  • Supervisor: Stephen Allen ,Chris Vagg ,Rick Lupton
  • The Gorgon's Head - Bath University Logo


Meet Joris - a sustainability practitioner with a passion for securing a future that is environmentally sustainable, socially just, and economically thriving. His PhD is developing advanced life cycle assessment (LCA) methods that help determine the future impacts of automotive technology. With a MSci and MSc from UCL in Physical Sciences and Engineering, Joris works with startups, think tanks, and large businesses across various industries such as construction, consumer goods, and technology to implement sustainability strategies.

Joris is a 2021 Alumni of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's "From Linear to Circular" programme and Founder & Trustee at Editors for Impact. He also contributed to Degrees of Change in the past and led the largest Engineers Without Borders branch at UCL.

Beyond his work, Joris is an advocate for physical and mental health, and he enjoys practicing triathlon, martial arts, and mindfulness. He also leads a plant-based lifestyle and loves spending time in nature and playing classical guitar. His morning ritual is simple but satisfying - freshly ground coffee beans!


  • I consider myself to make the world's best guacamole
  • I am obsessed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • I've been stung by a sting ray
  • I can't cite the alphabet in order... abcdefghklelmonepay

Future environmental impacts of transport and energy technologies: Prospective life cycle assessment using climate mitigation pathways from integrated assessment models

Joris's PhD projects develops advanced pLCA methodology utilising IAMs for modelling the future environmental impacts of automotive. In collaboration with UCL, this project aims to utilise the TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) IAM to generate future energy mix scenarios aligning to 2°C and 3°C global warming targets. Computational methods in Python will build on existing Wurst packages to link scenario data to EcoInvent – a worldwide LCA data repository – to modify market and transformation activity data according to scenario timelines (IAM-EcoInvent).

The IAM-EcoInvent model will be applied to a variety of automotive inventory data, using Brightway2 packages to conduct pLCA on the long-term environmental impacts of automotive technology that will: address temporal mismatch between life-cycle stages; incorporate the evolving impacts of upstream production processes; and investigate the influence of future electricity and heat generation mixes on LCA results.

© Copyright 2024 AAPS CDT, Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems at the University of Bath